Thursday, April 8, 2010

Desert Rain & Lunch at Bobby Flay's - Day 54

Today it is still too cold and windy for the pool....bummer! It actually RAINED in the desert today.
So, we went to Jiffy Lube to have the car serviced in the a.m. We have just completed 6,000 miles since leaving home. We went to McDonald's to check our email as the hotel charges $12.99 for a day of internet.

For lunch, we went up to the Strip to Caesar's Palace and had lunch at Mesa Grill
owned by Bobby Flay. Mark had a roasted chicken sweet potato hash with onions, chile peppers and cilantro with poached eggs (2) on top. I had a spicy halibut. It was good, but I felt that, for $24 I should have gotten something besides just the fish - like a veggie or salad. We liked the decor, though, especially as we saw a special on the Cooking Channel of the making of the restaurant.

Then, we strolled through the shopping area where there were ridiculous things like shoes at Jimmy Choo's for $1900! And, they looked ridiculous, too - much too high and flimsy.

We went back across the street to the same sports bar as the tv is good and there is no smoking there. Vegas is way too filled with cigarette smoke for us. We watched Duke win the NCAA over Butler in a very exciting game, by just 2 points.

Note: For the second year in a row, Mark has won the family NCAA tournament. David was in the lead for the bulk of the competition, but...then, Mark and Nick tied, only to have Mark win. This was notable as Mark started out the first round WAY in the bottom, so it looked like he was out of the competition. In the end, Jecca was in last place. Mark is feeling quite smug and hopes that the family pays up!

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