Friday, May 7, 2010

Grandkids and the Sox - Days 84 and 85

We are in Concord visiting Jec, Willy, Otis and Henry at Middlesex. The weather is like summer - sunny and warm. We went to Fenway to watch the Sox beat the L.A. Angels with John Lackey on the mound. Big Papi hit a home run, which was great. It was their third win over the Angels in a 4-game series.

New Hampshire....quirky New England Weather! -Days 73-83

We had 10 lovely, relaxing, hibernating days at the cottage in New Hampshire! We drove all backroads from Binghamton to Woodsville. It was beautiful. A tree had come down on the cottage and we wanted to see the damage. (minimal.) Mark did some chain sawing and we focused on cleaning up the yard, dragging branches etc.

In mid-week, we had a very unusual snow storm, which snowed us in. We had 8-10 inches of snow! It was more like Christmas than spring and the heavy, wet snow hung on the branches and looked incredibly beautiful. And, two days later it was in the high 70's and the snow disappeared. The snow fall led to some gorgeous rushing creeks and rivers. Our dock was almost entirely submerged.

On the road to Littleton, we saw a huge black bear. We photographed it, but from quite a distance.

We went to White River Junction to see a play, Greater Tuna, a two-man comedy where the actors play multiple parts in a small town in Texas. It was well acted, but we did not love the script. As usual, we go to many plays with an eye to doing them at school and this is definitely one that we would not do.